Jul 2001:  Submitted by Dave Morel.


1973, Apr 07:   Obituary, saved by Pat O'Sullivan, unsourced, probably from the Zealandia (New Zealand Catholic newspaper).


Miss Julia Lynskey, who died at Christchurch recently, was the last surviving member of a well-known family of early pioneers in North Canterbury.   The family lived on part of the Horsley Downs Estate and later moved to Hawarden, where the late Miss Lynskey worked as housekeeper for successive parish priests. Many young school teachers new to the district also appreciated Miss Lynskey's hospitality.


While Miss Lynskey chose to remain in Hawarden with her parents, the late John and Bridget Lynskey, other members of the family settled in many parts of the country. They entered the professions and contributed much to the farming, cultural and religious life of the community.


Truly it can be said that the family helped shape the future of the young nation, influencing its developing years and imparting some of the faith, foresight and courage which sustained this pioneering family who settled here at the beginning of the century.


Miss Lynskey showed this same spirit always with a capacity for immediate decisions, together with tact, good nature and urbane courtesy. Her deep faith was an inspiration to us all, that we may be 'wise in our latter end'. Miss Lynskey's graceful acceptance of the passing years, after a full life spent in the service of others, brings to mind Cardinal Newman's beautifil prayer:


May He support us all the day long

Till the shades lengthen

And the evening comes

And the busy world is hushed

And the fever of life is over

And our work is done

Then in His mercy

May He give us a safe lodging

And a holy rest and peace at last